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UX Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Sales Pitch 

The challenge: We wanted to know how we could help freelancers become more successful. The problem was finding how freelancers define success.


The Objective: Our overall objective was to research, strategize and design a product that would help freelancers work more efficiently and stay organized in a way that is easy and accessible.


what i did: Within my team, my primary focuses were: UX Research, Prototyping and Developing a Sales Pitch to Investors. I created interview guides, conducted user interviews and worked with my team for all affinity mapping, user personas and journeys, user flows, wireframing and prototyping.


The Outcomes: You can view the complete sales pitch presentation for our prototype here.

Wireframing, Prototyping

The challenge: Redesign an outdated, paper Patient Intake Form into a more accessible digital version that could be easily transferred to a mobile format. 


What I Did: For this redesign, I focused primarily on: wireframes; interaction and visual mockups; and design specifications.


The outcomes: I created a readable, digestible, and accessible digital patient intake form that had the patient's experience at the forefront, even though I had limited insight into the target user's realistic needs. Since I do not have a background in medical documentation or records, I was left filling in the blanks for user needs on my own based exclusively on outside research conducted via competitive analysis.

branding, brand guidelines, print and digital templates

The challenge: The company wanted to create a branding kit that conveyed their luxury bartending persona. It was important that the business have a distinct style that was recognizable by clients no matter the context. The goal was to ensure the brand feel high-end and luxurious, without being flashy or gaudy. 


what i did: I developed their brand personality, logo, style guide, custom filters, and social media templates. 


The solution:  All deliverables produced incorporated: clean lines; a subtle color palette; consistency between online and offline products; and a simple, timeless design throughout all elements within the brand. 


All design choices were done considering they might need to translate into any future products released by the brand. This includes, but is not limited to: glassware, promotion boxes, table linens, uniforms, name tags and a website (both mobile and desktop). 

user flows, wireframing and prototyping

The challenge: The challenge was to create a wall-mounted dashboard that users can interact with on a smart home device.This design should easily translate into a mobile app version, were one be developed in the future.


My role: For this design, I was responsible for creating all user flows, wireframes and prototypes.


The Solution: A two panel system was created with pop ups integrated in. This two panel design was important when considering how transferring to mobile screens would work.


The Outcomes: It was important that users have the ability to access everything quickly, keeping interaction as minimal as possible. Additionally, we know that users prefer to see all the relevant information at a glance, from as far away as possible. Because each user will have different rooms and different smart devices, the system needed to be able to adapt to any number of any of these.

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